Updated Articles

  1. Selecting your Country and Language

    Introduction Our Account Center enables you to select which country will be prioritized in the AutoComplete options. See below the two methods to select and prioritize your targeted countries. Please note that these settings are specific to an...
  2. Creating an Integration

    Introduction Once you have signed up and logged in to the Account Center, it's time to create an Integration. This will create an API key for use on your application and allow you to configure settings based on your requirements.  Creati...
  3. Autoaddress Form

    The challenge is to display an address form in a format expected by the end user, in the language that they speak. We have created the Autoaddress Form to do just that. Our address form changes...
  4. General Settings

  5. General Settings

  6. Choosing Integration Type

    We provide three different ways for you to integrate our JavaScript control onto your web page.   Each Integration Type we offer provides a different address capture experience for the end-user. You can set your Integration Type from the drop...
  7. Integration Details

    To change the name of your Integration or add a description, navigate to the follow on your chosen integration: Settings → General ...
  8. Getting Started

  9. 3. Preview it in action

    Click on the dashboard Try it out now panel to navigate to the preview setting of your Integration. We've pre-selected every country so you can go ahead and type any address to see how it works. We've included a simple World Sample Address ...
  10. Disable native address lookup

    Shopify provides a native address lookup, and to get the most out of the Autoaddress app, follow below steps to disable this: Go to the Settings page for your Shopify store Select the Checkout option from the left-hand menu On the Customize y...