New Articles

  1. How do I cancel my subscription?

    To cancel your subscription, follow below steps: Navigate to My Account → Subscription → Click the Cancel Subscription button
  2. How will I know when my subscription needs renewing?

    Depending on the plan you selected, we will automatically charge you when your plan is due for renewal. The date your plan expires on is visible under Expiry Date  on the Subscription page. To navigate to this screen press My Account → Subscript...
  3. Why do balance on plans have an expiration date?

    This will depend on your plan, i.e. Monthly or Annual, the balance will expire after 1 month or 12 months from the purchase date. This is in compliance with our licensing terms agreed with our data partners.
  4. How much does your service cost?

    Click here for detailed pricing. Our plans are either monthly or annual, so the balance is valid for either 1 month or 12 months. The best way to work out which plan you need is to estimate how many addresses you would currently capture on your w...
  5. Where can I access the previous version of Autoaddress?

    All documentation on this site relates to the latest version of our software, Autoaddress 3.0. To access Autoaddress 2.0 documentation, please follow this link: To access Autoaddress 2.0 Account Centre, pl...
  6. I forgot my password. Can you help?

    Not a problem, go to the  Password reset page and enter your login email.
  7. Can I add multiple users to my account?

    Yes. When you log into your account, under My Account you will be able to see   Manage Users  button and from here you can add/edit users.  There is documentation here which goes through the steps for creating a new user as well as the breakdow...
  8. Can I trial the service for free?

    Yes, Autoaddress offers a 14-day free trial and a small amount of credit to test the full functionality of the platform.
  9. How about the security and privacy of my data?

    The security of your data is our primary concern. Any data that you submit as part of your registration, set up or even processing will never be sold, shared, or distributed in any way. You can read more about it in our  Privacy Policy . ...
  10. Is the service offline when upgrades or data updates are applied?

    There is no downtime as upgrades and data updates are managed without impacting our technology.