New Articles

  1. Manage Notifications

    In order to set up your notifications, navigate to your account by clicking Profile under My Account . This page will display your account information, and at the bottom of the page you will see the Notifications section. From here, you wil...
  2. 3. Preview it in action

    Click on the dashboard Try it out now panel to navigate to the preview setting of your Integration. We've pre-selected every country so you can go ahead and type any address to see how it works. We've included a simple World Sample Address ...
  3. 2. Create an Integration

    We have created a sample JavaScript control Integration for you, which is the easiest way to add Autoaddress to your website.  If you want to integrate directly with our API or a different custom integration then navigate to the Integrations page an...
  4. 1. Create an Autoaddress account

    Follow this link to navigate to the Account Center sign-up page and enter your details, no credit card required.
  5. Getting Started

  6. Customize

    Once you have a basic Autoaddress plugin working, you will then want to configure it further so that it is seamlessly integrated with your page design.  The Autoaddress plugin is fully configurable and there are a number of ways that developers c...
  7. Initialize

    Step 1 : Decide where you would like to place the plugin, then add an empty   in the section of your HTML.  Step 2 : Once that's done you initialise the plugin using the snippet below. The snippet below shows a mimimal default implementa...
  8. Setup

    Add the following two files to the    section of your page. These files reference the JavaScript and CSS necessary for the Autoaddress plugin to work.   You can download the latest versions from our CDN. or Th...
  9. Capture the Data

    When the type attribute equals " lookup ", you can access details of the address using the " address " attribute.  For any further info you have selected in the Account Center, you can access this data via the " data " attribute in the response. S...
  10. Follow the Link

    Each option returned has a href attribute which will invoke another endpoint. There are two endpoints that this attribute can call to: Lookup Endpoint  - This will return the fully captured address Drilldown Endpoint  - This will return...